HTML Symbol

Unicode symbols, html entities and codes

HTML Symbol Entities

Some characters are reserved and have special meaning in HTML. Such as less than (<) which is the beginning of the HTML tags. If need the browser to display these characters correctly, we must entry character entities in the HTML source code. Character entity has three parts: an ampersand (&), an entity name, or # and an entity number, and a semicolon (;). If we want to display less than in HTML, we need to enter < (entity name) or < (entity number). Among the entity list, we can use a lot of symbol entities in layout design. The advantage to use the entity name is very easier to remember, and the disadvantage is that not all browsers support the newest entity names. However, almost all browsers have good support on the entity number.

Most Common Entities

SymbolHTML CodeHTML EntityUnicodeCSS CodeHex CodeDescription
@&#64;&commat;U+00040\0040&#x40;Commercial At
%&#37;&percnt;U+00025\0025&#x25;Percent Sign
®&#174;&reg;U+000AE\00AE&#xAE;Registered Sign
©&#169;&copy;U+000A9\00A9&#xA9;Copyright Sign
&#8482;&trade;U+02122\2122&#x2122;Trade Mark Sign
 &#160;&nbsp;U+000A0\00A0&#xA0;No-break Space
°&#176;&deg;U+000B0\00B0&#xB0;Degree Sign
&#8451;U+02103\2103&#x2103;Degree Celsius
&#8457;U+02109\2109&#x2109;Degree Fahrenheit

Currency Symbols

SymbolHTML CodeHTML EntityUnicodeCSS CodeHex CodeDescription
$&#36;&dollar;U+00024\0024&#x24;Dollar Sign
¢&#162;&cent;U+000A2\00A2&#xA2;Cent Sign
£&#163;&pound;U+000A3\00A3&#xA3;Pound Sign
&#8364;&euro;U+020AC\20AC&#x20AC;Euro Sign
¥&#165;&yen;U+000A5\00A5&#xA5;Yen Sign
&#8377;U+020B9\20B9&#x20B9;Indian Rupee Sign

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